Neither the chashaku nor the chashaku case are finished.
Each needs to be finished by the purchaser.
Please refer to the video below the product list for an explanation of how to make them.
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #001 SOLDOUT
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #002 SOLDOUT |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #003 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #004 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #005 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #006 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #007 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #008 SOLDOUT |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #009 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #010 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #011 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #012 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #013 SOLDOUT |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #014 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #015 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #016 |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #017 SOLDOUT |
煤竹茶杓(荒曲げ) #018 |
煤竹茶杓筒 #001 SOLDOUT |
煤竹茶杓筒 #002 SOLDOUT |
煤竹茶杓筒 #003 SOLDOUT |
煤竹茶杓筒 #004 |
煤竹茶杓筒 #005 SOLDOUT |
煤竹茶杓筒 #006 |
作り方にあたっては、 茶杓・共筒: はじめてつくる (茶の湯手づくりBOOK) / 淡交社 を参考にしている。
Sooty Bamboo
In the past, when the roofs of houses were thatched, bamboo was used as a framework to support the thatch. A hearth was set up under the roof, where people cooked and warmed themselves. Soot rises with the smoke from the burnt wood and adheres to the bamboo, which over a period of 100 years has changed colour to an deep red or dark brown, and is called sooty bamboo.
When an old house in Togane, Chiba Prefecture, was demolished, I was informed that a large quantity of sooty bamboo was found. I heard that a kind-hearted demolition company, which carefully removes sooty bamboo from roofs and stores it, was looking for people who could make good use of it. I drove away excitedly, not having time to think about what to do with the sooty bamboo.
The sooty bamboo was piled up in the demolition company's warehouse. There were other building materials, such as thick beams, left out in the open, but it was too expensive to transport them for re-use, so they had to be thrown away. What a waste, but there was nothing I could do about it. I bought about 50 pieces of sooty bamboo about 2 m long and loaded them in my car and drove home.
(Photo taken by a demolition contractor. From this roof came the sooty bamboo I will be dealing with.)
When I returned home, I began the three-day process of cleaning the dirt from the 50 bamboos. Cleaning the bamboos, which had supported the roof for at least 100 years, was not easy. I wiped them down one by one with a rag, as it was thought that using excessive water would cause the bamboo to crack after drying. The bamboo that emerged from under the dirt was clearly imprinted with 100 years of time. Looking at the sooty bamboo, the shape I should make naturally came to my mind.
(Soot bamboo piled up in a demolition contractor's warehouse)
In Japan, the active use of bamboo as an art and craft was in the tea ceremony. Chashaku (tea scoop), chasen (tea whisk), flower vases and other items of beauty were created with bamboo. Among these, sooty bamboo is recognised as a rare and valuable material. As no new thatched houses are being built today, no more sooty bamboo is being produced. With the sooty bamboo, which may be the last of its kind, I decided to create a tool for tea masters, who are the driving force of Japanese art.
I made a chashaku (tea scoop) for scooping up powdered green tea and a case to hold the chashaku. Since they can be made with a saw and a knife, they are relatively easy to make among tea utensils, and since Rikyu, many tea masters have made them themselves. I myself have mastered the woodworking technique along with the tea ceremony, so it is not unreasonable for me to make them. This time, however, I did not finish the work myself, but only bent the part for scooping matcha tea. The rest is up to the purchaser to carve out the ideal shape with his or her own hands and create a chashaku that he or she has a special attachment to.
The same applies to the case. Cut the length of the case according to the dimensions of your chashaku. The tsume-buta, which serves as a stopper for the case, is made from natural Akita cedar, which is difficult to find nowadays.
I hope that everyone, whether famous or unknown, will create their own chashaku with great care and use it.
For those who do not know how to make chashaku and chashaku case, a video showing how to make them has also been made. The video is based on the book Chashaku/Tomozutsu: Hajimete Tsukuru (Chanoyu Tezukuri BOOK) / Tankosha.