スザニ #001
Suzani #001


スザニ #002
Suzani #002


スザニ #003
Suzani #003
16,500 JPY

スザニ #004
Suzani #004
6,000 JPY

スザニ #005
Suzani #003
14,500 JPY

スザニ #006
Suzani #006


スザニ #007
Suzani #003
22,000 JPY

スザニ #008
Suzani #008
15,500 JPY

スザニ #009
Suzani #009
17,000 JPY

スザニ #010
Suzani #010


スザニ #011
Suzani #011
4,500 JPY

スザニ #012
Suzani #012
6,000 JPY

スザニ #013
Suzani #013

スザニ #014
Suzani #0014


ブロックプリント 布 #001
Block Print Cloth #002
12,000 JPY

ブロックプリント 布 #002
Block Print Cloth #002


ブロックプリント 布 #003
Block Print Cloth #003
12,000 JPY

ブロックプリント 布 #004
Block Print Cloth #004


ブロックプリント 布 #005
Block Print Cloth #005


ブロックプリント 布 #006
Block Print Cloth #006
12,000 JPY



ウズベキスタンは、シルクロードの重要な都市であるサマルカンドのある国だ。シルクロードの終着点と呼ばれた日本にも、奈良時代にはペルシャの文物が伝わり、琵琶や白瑠璃碗、絵画などが正倉院に現存している。私の写真作品『Golden Sheep』の重要なモチーフの一つである『羊木臈纈屏風(ひつじきろうけつびょうぶ)』(正倉院所蔵)は、サマルカンドで発掘された羊の壁画をもとに描かれたと考えられている。





Uzbekistan, Bride embroidery, Suzani.

Uzbekistan is home to Samarkand, an important city on the Silk Road. Persian artefacts were introduced to Japan, the terminus of the Silk Road, in the Nara period (710-794), and biwa lutes, white lapis lazuli bowls and paintings are still extant in the Shosoin. I believe that one of the important motifs of my photographic work Golden Sheep, Folding screen panel with design of sheep under tree in rōkechi dyeing. (in the Shosoin collection), was painted based on a mural painting of sheep excavated in Samarkand.

In Uzbekistan, the cloth that women bring as a bride's gift is called suzani. It is made of cloth with embroidered silk designs sewn into it, and can be as large as a tablecloth or bed sheet. The women started learning how to make them at an early age and their traditional skills are still being passed down to the present day. The oldest surviving suzani date from the late 18th or early 19th century, but it is thought to have existed much earlier and there are 12 types of design, depending on the region of the country. When I saw the designs, I got the sense of a linear connection between the Japanese Nara period and Persia.

Not many people speak English in Uzbekistan, perhaps because it is a former Russian territory. I hired an English-speaking guide in Samarkand and drove an hour away to a market called Urgut. The market was packed with people on Saturday. It sells all kinds of things, including daily necessities, food and clothing. It was like a shopping mall in Japan. However, there were hardly any customers at my intended Suzani sales area. I looked around the shops, wondering whether the situation is the same everywhere, where traditions are dying out.

As our guide had warned us in advance, bargaining is commonplace in this country. There is no fixed price for these goods. Prices are determined by discussions between the seller and the buyer. However, this is a matter of getting used to it, so it was not particularly difficult. The other party offers a price on the assumption that a discount will be given, so you just have to be honest about the price you want to pay. All that remained was to see how far we could compromise with each other.
Suzani is typified by 12 patterns depending on the region, and the designs vary considerably from region to region. The ones I liked were all from the region of Bukhara. For me, it was the Bukhara suzanis that I could find a connection with Shosoin and, by extension, Japanese culture.

Leaving Samarkand, I headed for the city of Bukhara. Outside the hotel, shops selling traditional crafts such as suzani, ceramics and cutlery were lined up in a way that blended in with the ancient city with its mud walls, but this was only in the tourist areas, and once outside, the cobblestones were replaced by asphalt and the mud walls by concrete.
January is also the off-season for tourism, and probably more than half of the shops were closed. People say that winters in this country are cold and people rarely leave their homes. In particular, children were rarely seen throughout the trip. Devout Muslim women also said that they do not leave their houses very often as it is their job to protect the house. Indeed, the streets of Bukhara were less crowded.
I went round the shops and called out, ‘I'm looking for an old suzani’. I felt that this was an act of longing for Persia, as the Japanese must have had in the Nara period. The shopkeeper then looked at the items I was picking up and replied: ‘Japanese people only choose unusual designs.